Yoga is a beautiful ancient Hindu art of practice that deals with the body, mind and spirit.Dentistry on the other hand is a field that deals with the practice and management of diseases of odontogenic in origin.

Yoga From Islamic Perceptive

In 2008, the National Fatwa Malaysia had issued a statement that yoga is haram to be practiced by Muslims in Malaysia. Malaysia was not the only country to ban the yoga for Muslims at that time-to name a fews are Mesir and Singapore.

Yoga for heart

Globally, heart disease is the leading cause of death, especially in developing countries. The scriptures say that the heart holds an important position in the human system.


I loved it so much when it comes to chola topics as it inspires me in all the way.The Chola Dynasty is a Tamil dynasty ruled in southern India until the thirteenth century. The dynasty is actually originated from the Kaveri River.

Yoga and Relationships

Yoga essentially means union. Every human’s ultimate goal is to unite with the Supreme Being. We all define God differently according to our religious and cultural background. The core of all religious teaching is to give us meaning and purpose in this life.

Why is Lord Rama worshipped?

I Shuba Krish would like to tell you a kutty story about Rama and why we worship Rama? As you know, we were all introduced to Rama by Ramayana,I would like to share glimpse of Ramayana

When Life breaks you apart

You and I grow up with many goals, dreams thinking life is going to be a bed of roses and life is just a walk in the park and we dreamt and thought life was all about meeting your soulmate

What is “TITHI”?

The word “tithi” is actually a Sanskrit word meaning a lunar day. Some may confuse the word “tithi” with “samasthiti”. Although both sound similar, these two words carry different meaning.


A Vegan is a person who does not consume any food derived from animals and typically does not use any kind of animal products. Veganism is more than just change in diet rather it goes a step further.


Ending any kind of relationship is found to become a traumatic experience to both parties involved, Relationships involve strong interpersonal communication skills that would