Think for a second, what is the most valuable thing in this world? If you’ve come to a certain maturity, you will realize that there nothing more valuable in this world than time. Only with time you can execute anything If human lifespan is 15 days, would you spend those days dwelling in anger? Obviously not isn’t it? You would want to make the most out of it, spending all your time doing what makes you happy. Look at the Life of a fly, in average it lives for 15 days yet, it never stops buzzing or going out there making the most of its life, and us, feeling so angered that the fly is living its life, try to kill or harm it! Ironic isn’t it?
In average a human being lives up to 70 to 80 years. These are considered very short period of time, but we think we have time. Think again. See how fast time flies by you, by the time you finish reading this and browse through a few others, an hour would have breezed through. The moment you’re angry with someone, you waste hours and sometimes days thinking about that person and how you’re going to take revenge. Do you seriously think you have so much time in this world?
There is a concept in yoga world, that each person is allocated a certain amount of breath in his lifetime, say everyone is allocated 1 million inhalation/ exhalation. An average human being breaths 15-18 times per minute. Each time you breath, you lose your quota. When you’re angry, you lose control completely over your breath. The next time you see someone being angry, remind them about their quota! The lesser you breath per minute, the more you breath, the longer you live. If you see a great yogi, he will have absolute control over his breath sometimes breathing only 1- 2 times per minute. See the life of a dog, it pants and breathes heavily and lives an average of 12 years. See a Tortoise, it lives up to 120 years, why; it remains calm and composed and have absolute control over its breath – only 3-4 breath per minute
To Control myself, I think of this very simple philosophy. I cannot afford to be angry, because I have no time. I want to utilize my time to do something productive that will uplift my life. I consistently remain aware of this fact, and I put time as my most valuable possession. I only have this one shot at life to make the most out of it and I’m not losing it to anger.
Remember, Anger is one letter short of danger I wish you well my friends
“ Let your speech be true and sweet.”
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
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