Three hundred trillion years ago, Devi, the empress, lived in a beautiful forest with her eternal consort, Shiva, surrounded by dense forests and inhabited with various creatures living in perfect harmony as their brains are wired differently. These resulting feelings of happiness lasted ten times longer though there was less food, it gave sufficient nutrients. Adding on, there is no concept of money that gives satisfaction. All desired are achieved through manifestation. There was no notion of possessiveness, sadness, jealously, or envy.

Shiva returned from his abode, Kailasha to  Devi after solitude and intense meditation that lasted eighty thousand human years. No one was taken to Kailash as even the tiniest interference in Mahayogis meditation will send ripple effects in cosmic consciousness towards the entire creation. Shivas arrival was welcomed with much joy, excitement, and bliss in the air

One night, Shiva said to Devi he needs to leave to Kailasha. Devi was shocked and questioned Shiva on his decision as all Shivas creation seems to be perfect and beautiful. Shiva laughed and  replied he has task to carried out, known as transformation or destruction. He explained further  there are many people don’t have empress as Devis, and some lifeforms have different composition and elements. This brings them more sufferings and griefs.

Devi is clueless on definition of suffering and failed to understand its concept as she is embodied with auspiciousness and happiness, reflecting sumangali and sukhakari. Above all, she was nityayauvana, eternally youth and well endowed livedin perfect harmony without any insecurities.  Each time Shiva left to Kailasha, Devis heart would sink but this lasted for less than a fraction of  Shiva returned from his abode, Kailasha to Devi after a solitude and intense meditation that lasted eighty thousand human years. No one was taken to Kailash as even tiniest interference in Mahayogis meditation will send ripple effects in cosmic consciousness towards entire creation. Shivas arrival was welcomed with much joy, excitement, and bliss in the air. moment. She could still feel Shiva was always part of her. Hence, Devi innocently asked Shiva if she could see suffering but Shiva replied it could only be experienced by individual karma.Devi insisted she also wants to see what sadness and unhappiness is. Shiva was unhappy with Devis request knowing this will lead her towards eternal repercussions. Though Devi did not understand what Mahayogi meant, Shiva was aware that the creation will be entering second stage. This is a stage where Devi will be in the form of movement or energy, as well plays an important role in creation, destruction, and sustenance. Finally, Shiva agreed to take Devi so she could see suffering and other emotions among different lifeforms.

Shiva took her across many universes that lasted ten thousand human years. Devi saw people quarrelling, fighting, stressed, dying, crying, and killing themselves. However, she still did not understand why they were suffering or unrest. Shiva explained Devi need to be part of their world to understand their plight

As Shiva rose from his deep dhyana in Kailasha, he told Devi the time has come. Devi saw the  momentary smile on Shiva’s lips but eventually started experiencing an unknown feeling in her heart for the first time. She couldn’t explain nor express it. Shiva explained that Devi will merge in him to see what no one has ever seen before. Devi will be born separately and have to win him back every time by ending life in the future incarnation. With trembling lips and churned in her stomach, Devi asked Shiva on what is happening. Shiva separated Devi from his embrace to behold his real form and stood away from Devi. However, Devi still felt as if Shiva was close to her. 

One of Shiva’s favorites was the large drum, the size of a big lake known as damaru. One beat from the edge of drum would produce drone, a bass ripple for almost eight hours. Shiva started playing damaru. Devi could hear sounds of rumpling and, loud explosion such as planets shrinking and disappearing. Trillions of planets settled in Shiva’s body as his body began to expand beyond Shiva took her across many universes that lasted ten thousand human years. Devi saw people quarrelling, fighting, stressed, dying, crying, and killing themselves. However, she still did not understand why they were suffering or unrest. Shiva explained Devi need to be part of their world to understand their plight proportions. He became the Universal body. Devi began to tremble. The damaru started playing at higher speed and many planets in different forms such as trees, rivers and oceans were nsucked into him. This including her own planet merging into Shiva. Shiva continued to play damaru vigorously, raise his left leg and right hand in the air performing his cosmic dance, Mahatandava in the form of Nataraja, the sovereign dancer. Before Devi knew it, she was pulled towards Shiva’s gigantic form and merge into him. She began to witness released of countless planets from his body, transforming new planets.

Shivas own feminine, Devi witnessed mahatandava for the sound is referred as kinetic energy and it cannot be static. Seventy million different sounds were manifested from the vigorous play of damaru. This covered entire spectrum of all mantras.

Devi was reborn after eleven trillion years of Shivas Mahatandava and married Shiva. She was made up of five elements; earth, water, fire, air, and space whereby Devi realized what is suffering, sorrow and all other emotions. Devi told Shiva though she can feel it now, but she has Shiva to feel the bliss, unlike other creations. She was not sure why they have to go through suffering.

Mahayogi Shiva explained people are suffering out of ignorance. Devi, being concerned of their pain, questioned Shiva further how they can overcome these. Shiva replied the people need to remain connected to the universal energy which is the primary source that contain wisdom seek by everyone. The easiest way is to pick any sound that damaru created during Tandava, which is presented out of love by Shiva, unlike Mahatandava.

Shiva in calm (shanta) and pleasant (saumya) danced to the rhythms of damaru that spread in the sky like stars. The string of damaru created sound, including different frequencies produced when the beads stroked damarus head. Sound also arise from Shivas hand and feet movement.

Nirgunabrahma is used to mediate by the sages to perceive these sounds. Hence, this proves Shiva is the only creator of mantras based on the path of mantra yoga. The sages only saw what
is already there, and not discover or created the mantra. Some of these sages travelled with Shiva to earth and decided to stay back to pass the mantras to flourish the suffering humans. Hence, harnessing or channeling these sounds will lead to creative energy that can be use in aiding creation, destruction and sustenance an individuals goals, dreams, and desires. The mantra yoga can be used to connect with the universe at different level altogether, beyond an average mind.

– Jana Palanisamy

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