Yoga essentially means union. Every human’s ultimate goal is to unite with the Supreme Being. We all define God differently according to our religious and cultural background. The core of all religious teaching is to give us meaning and purpose in this life. In order for this union with God to take place, we first need to build a relationship with God. We need to spend time with God. We need to get to know God. Where do we even begin? We start with the practice of yoga.
According to many research, mental illness is on the rise. We are so advanced in science and technology, yet we are unable to curb the rise in mental illnesses. Our thoughts can be our best friend or our worst enemy. One negative thought can generate hundreds of more negative thoughts in a split second. How powerful our mind can be. This is why we need to spend time with our mind. We need to practice yoga daily in order to energize ourselves and fill our mind with positive energies. It is very easy for our mind to gravitate towards negativity but our practice will change that tendency. Our relationship with ourselves sets the tone with every other relationship we have. Therefore, we should value self-relationship by doing self-yoga practice.
When it comes to choosing our most significant other, we often focus on unimportant things like caste, economic status and physical attractiveness. The one truly most important thing to look for in a romantic partner is to find someone we can grow with spiritually. Unfortunately, for generations now, marriage has become an economical tool thanks to dowry business. If you are actively dating, please mention that you are interested in sincere yoga practitioners on your tinder profile. If you are waiting to get arranged marriage, please add yoga practitioner as your number one criteria on your matrimony profile
People are having children nowadays to follow the trend on instagram. Everybody is getting married, so I will get married. Everybody is having children, so I will have children too. Monkey see, monkey do. Becoming parents is not just biology. Anybody can have coitus and give birth to children. We are bringing another life into this world and that comes with an immense amount of responsibility. We need to have enough inner peace and clarity before becoming parents. First, we need to learn how to self-manage and self-regulate our emotions and thoughts. If we cannot even manage our own emotions and thoughts, how are we going to manage our children? We need to practice yoga daily in order to master the art of self-management and self-regulation. It will give us the power to become wonderful parents.
Our relationship with our colleagues influences our work environment. How do we form healthy relationships with our colleagues? Some colleagues are easy-going and some can be more challenging. We need to practice yoga daily in order to give ourselves the power to empower others. Through the practice of yoga, we energize ourselves with positivity and we will radiate this energy to everybody around us. Our relationship with our colleagues decides whether our work environment is healthy or toxic. The choice is ours to make.
The world will become heavenly if only everyone starts practicing yoga sincerely. There will be no room for conflicts or negativity. We can all live in peace and harmony regardless of our racial, religious, political, social or economical differences. Relationship between different communities will blossom. We cannot change the whole world but we can change the world around us. Start with your inner world. Start with yoga.
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