Namaskar, my topic given is Exorcism. As all of us are aware, exorcism knows, exorcism is a religious or spiritual practice in removing is a religious or spiritual practice in the removal of demons from one’s body or a place. These actions or activities are often carried out by the priest in the name of removing any spirit entities from a person or an area that is been possessed by a bad spirit.
Every religion performs the ritual by commanding the spirit to depart from one body or place in the name of greater or higher power (The Supreme Power God). This practice is not something new that been practiced in the new era but this is an ancient believe culture of most religions and ethnics.
Researching exorcism, in Hinduism, among the four Vedas from the Holy books of Hinduism, the ATHARVA VEDA does mostly explains the details and knowledge of exorcism. It has been proven that one can barely understand performing an exorcism ritual in not without the chanting of Mantra, which can be related to sacred phrases, and here you can also connect the Mantra that been uttered with a particular Deity.
Knowing this fact, according to the culture and religious belief, there will be a ritual called Yajna. Yajna means sacrificing any kind of offerings in the sacred fire during the rituals. Yajna is also done by Hinduism Vedic Traditions. Furthermore, this sacrifice also relates to Tantra (Mystical text from the 7th century)
Observing exorcism, when the priest or any party who is performing exorcism on a possessed human or a place, as the priest began to utter the Mantra, it stimulates the devils or the bad spirit that is believed too been possessed human or a place, this believed to force the spirit to leave the body of the possessed. As some of us have seen or witnessed a dramatic behavior which is very much aggressive most of the time.
Well, this is how all of us understand when speak about exorcism. From my point of view, exorcism is the dramatic rituals in the name of treatment commonly performed by an ordinary human to another possessed person, causing the mentally stressed person to suffer further deeply. This will only cause alleviation in the pain and suffering.
The key to have a better understanding and knowing the truth behind all this Tantra and ritual are through better spiritual teaching. One should be mentally and physically strong. By one having strong faith in God and understand the reality in today’s materialistic world, these kinds of rituals are more on money mentality.
This clear understanding of the definition of exorcism should be cultivated at a young age itself. A clear vision is essential for everyone so that their minds are not narrowed down by demons and exorcism. In ancient time, our sages and Yogis have treated exorcism with roots of ayurvedic healing. As time goes on, this practice has been interpreted wrongly.
By Jayasri
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