In 2008, the National Fatwa Malaysia had issued a statement that yoga is haram to be practiced by Muslims in Malaysia. Malaysia was not the only country to ban the yoga for Muslims at that time-to name a fews are Mesir and Singapore. This had created stir amongst the Malaysian; not only the yoga practitioners but also amongst the Islamic scholars, Malaysia’s Sultans and hereditary rules. Dr Asri, Mufti from Perlis did mention the body not supposed to be rigid and supposed to provide guidelines to separate the yoga for religious practice and health practice or providing alternatives to Muslims like tai chi, taekwondo and others. Our former Prime Minister at that time, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi moved to contain the damage, telling “I wish to state that a physical regime with no elements of worship can continue, meaning, it is not banned. I believe that Muslims are not easily swayed into polytheism,” he said. Until now, it is still under debates but due to 2008 incident, yoga has becoming the sensitive topic and not the popular sport choice amongst Muslims in Malaysia. Thus, let us explore what is yoga from the Islamic perceptive. Are there similarities between the yoga practice and Islamic teaching?
The first similarity is yoga and solah. What is solah? Solah is 5 times prayers done by Muslims daily, worshipping Allah. If you notice the sequence of solah itself, you can relates that all the positions are similar to yoga poses. Starting from Qiyam which similar to Samastidhi and Namaste-whereby you is required to stand straight and prepare mentally and physically for the next practice. Then we move to Rukuk which is same as Ardha Uttanasana. In solah, rukuk is the humbling act of bowing down to Allah, letting go one’s pride and submitting to Allah. In yoga, this pose enhances the link between breath and movement to strengthen the back and spine which help to calm and soothe the mind. Then, we move to sujjod, the important part in prayers. It is mentioned that this is the position where the Muslim is most near to Allah (most calming position to pray) which similar to Balasana (the famous stretching pose). In yoga, Balasana is said to activate the ‘crown chakra’ which is related to a person’s spiritual connection with the universe around him. Last one is the Julus, whereby the posture is sitting on both legs, thighs, knees and toes same like Varjasana. In this Julus position, the Muslim need to declare that Allah is the Oneness and Muhammad Prophet is God’s Messenger.In yoga, this pose helps in curing joint pains and even helps in aiding digestion. Another similarities in solah and yoga is the repetitive sequence of movement. In solah, these repetitive movement will be called rakaat; example subuh prayer will be in 2 rakaat; (2 cycles), Zohor 4 rakaat (4 cycles). Same like yoga, for example surya namaskar or ashtanga vinyasa, they need to be performed in 3 to 5 cycles in order to obtain the benefits.
Second is the concept of redha and shantosa. What is redha in Islam? Redha is interpreted as satisfaction or “perfect contentment with God’s will or decree”. There’s one of Quran quote to perfectly described this : “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, And perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. Allah knows, while ye know not.” Al Baqarah 216. Same concept as Shantosa (contentment) in yoga- the Yoga Sutras of Pratanjali Sutra II : 42 –“By contentment, ultimate joy is attained.” Shantosa is the experience of unconditional happiness.
Third is concept of Zuhd and Aparigraha. What is Zuhd in Islam? Zuhd is detachment or asceticism. The Muslim should realize that everything comes from Allah and not simply because result of his own acts. He should trust Allah and if he loses anything in this world, this should not bother him because they does not belong to him. Either his loved ones or provisions. Same concept with Aparigraha (non attachment or greedlessness). In Yoga Sutra of Pratanjali II:39 mentioned abstention of greed or hoarding.
Fourth is the concept of tawakkal and Ishvara Pranidhana. What is tawakkal in Islam? Tawakkal meaning reliance on God or “trusting in God’s plan“. In Islam, tawakkal must come after effort and prayer. Example like when you are being diagnose with cancer; you must go through proper treatment like chemo etc and done some prayers then only you can put wholeheartedly to God to decide. Same concept like Ishvara Pranidhana, surrender to God or devotion must which also must come after efforts. Though Ishvara Pranidhana has been discussed in more vast topic in yoga; Yoga Sutras of Pratanjali , Book II: 45 did mention by total surrender to God, samadhi is attained.
In conclusion, while yoga might be connected to some religion aspects , yoga is not a religion itself. Muslims should view from the positive aspects of yoga as the physical practice and some of moral conduct of values like ‘yamas’, ‘niyamas’, self-discipline, self-control and etc. Someone always has to remember, yoga does not change your religion or faith.
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