At what age can kids start yoga?

Kids develop very early Interest in anything that challenges them physically, because of their natural vigor and curiosity. In order to understand and manage these almost limitless energy, some measurement should be put into place that will ensure that the kid receives supportive tool for his growth physically, mentally and intellectually Yoga is one of the greatest self-development tool that can be utilized to tap into any kids potential.

There is an overwhelming amount of proof indicating the benefit that a yoga practice can bring to a kid. The Ideal age to start yoga for a kid is minimum 4 years old, this is in line with the spine and lung development of an overage healthy kid that starts around the age of 3. All kids must and should ONLY be taught yoga practice that revolves around yoga postures, concentration. Creativity, values and simple cleansing techniques. No pranayama or breathing techniques should be taught to any kids until he/she has developed certain understanding on now it should be performed (a suggested age of at least 12-13 years old) and to allow the full development of lungs in a natural way.

Yoga postures that are ideal for lids should revolve around balancing seated, spinal extension and backbending (example Trikonasana, Veerabhadrasana, Parsvakonasana Paschimauttanasana, Dhanurasana etc). However any postures that Involves extreme spinal twist and Inversion (Marchendrasana, Sirsasana etc.) should be avoided unless under the supervision of a very experienced teacher. This is to avoid extreme compression on the cervical thoracic and lumbar area of the spine which is not fully developed. Concentration techniques involves Tratak (Flame Gazing) which is an excellent tool to develop memory power and undisrupted attention during studies, and moral values should be embedded in the form of positive affirmations during the practice of Savasana.

All practices must be supervised by a well-trained teacher. An ideal age for any kid to remain and practice in kid’s yoga should be 4-10/11 years old. At 11 or 12 the kid can be moved into a more adult setting depending on their maturity.

“Master your breath, let the self be in bliss, contemplate on the sublime within you.”
-Tirumalai krishnamacharya

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