Ayurveda is ancient Indian traditional medicine system which is highly believe whole body healing to promote optimal health. According to Sanskrit “Ayurveda” is combination of two words “Ayur” meaning life span and “Veda” meaning Knowledge/ science. In Ayurveda, the optimal health is can be achieved by creating balance between mind, body and soul.

In Ayurveda, everyone is made of combination of 5 elements (Panchabuthas) water, air, fire, space and earth. These elements combine in the body to produce energies known as Dhosa. There are three Dhosas: Vatha (made up of space and air, Its responsible movements in the body), Pitta (combination of water and fire. It governs digestion) and Kapha (combination of water and earth. It provides moisture to skin and lubrication to Joints). Every person comprised with mix of Doshas. In fact, everyone has all there doshas in us with different distribution. Based on the fact, most people just own one or two dominant dosha and some with mix of all three dosha known as Tri-dosha.

The word “Kapha” stands for holds things together. Kapha dosha is responsible for stability, lubrication and support our physical body. It lubricates joints, moisturizes the skin, and maintains immunity. The characteristic of kapha personalities have broad and solid body frame. They have good stamina, immunity as well as soft, oily and glowing skin. Other qualities are thick skin, strong, dark, wavy hair, large white teeth. Moreover, they are blessed with large, oval shape, brown eyes. In addition, they have pleasant voice and love to sleep. They love warm and suffer in cold. Most importantly, Kapha person loves food and have a good appetite.

Psychologically, Kapha individual are very loving, caring, compassionate, lazy, calm, tolerant, forgiving, loyal and helping tendency. They are also very supportive and protective of loved ones and family. Kapha personalities are usually put others needs first ahead own. This causes they delay to accomplish their goal/ needs. They take additional time to learn but have good memory. They have consistent sexual drive and high fertility. Kapha personalities maintain easy-going life and peaceful.

The Kapha imbalance cause the person faces problems such as depression, weight gain, water retention, allergies, excessive sleep, diabetes, constipation, loss of strength lethargy. They become sensitive, stubborn, possessive, hyper tension. The main factor of imbalance is overeating, lack of physical activities, sleeping during daytime and consumption more of dairy products, oily food, salty, sweet food.

In order to address the imbalance, include bitter, astringent, pungent tasting food, leafy green, vegetables, apple, peach, grapes, mangoes, honey, oats, barley quinoa, green tea. Secondly, wake up in the early morning which helps boost the day and include physical activities such as jogging, work out, cycling which is helps to keep body active throughout the day and increase metabolic rate to reduce excess fat. Regular practice of yoga boosts the energy level and maintain mental wellbeing. In the other hand, kapha personalities should avoid process foods, nuts, fatty foods, sugary food.

To conclude, it’s important to consume healthy food and in moderation. Include physical activities to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. These helps remove excess kapha from the body and maintain the balance to obtain optimum health and prevent illness through lifestyle practice. Health is Wealth!!!


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