Ayurveda is ancient Indian traditional medicine system which is highly believe whole body healing to promote optimal health. According to Sanskrit “Ayurveda” is combination of two words “Ayur” meaning life span and “Veda” meaning Knowledge/ science.
Three hundred trillion years ago, Devi, the empress, lived in a beautiful forest with her eternal consort, Shiva, surrounded by dense forests and inhabited with various creatures living in perfect
Hare Krishna Mahamantra that usually regarded as the Great Mantra is a sacred Sanskrit verse, recited as a means to cultivate awareness of a higher power and revive God-realization.
The ultimate goal of this life is to live happily and peacefully. No one should be deprived of being happy. When one thinks about “happiness” a smile will automatically appear. For the past 24-hours, how many times have we been happy?
4 Sattvic Food Principles
I was on a quest to understand food as it’s been a huge challenge for me since young. In my family health & weight issues are very much prevalent. This is something I struggled with for decades.
Adi Shankaracharya and Parampara
A long time ago, there was a married brahmin couple named Shivaguru and Aryamba. This beautiful couple had been longing for a child for a very long time.
Asana Alone Will Bring You Ashore
Lately, I have been meeting and receiving calls, messages from students and social media friends about the tough time they are going through their life which has affected them mentally and emotionally and caused depression.
Titibasana, the Firefly Copy
This is definitely not an easy feat to achieve, it requires a combination of immense strength, balance and flexibility. The characteristics of a Firefly is fascinating, its ability to produce its own light places it in a category unlike any other insects.
At what age can kids start yoga?
Kids develop very early Interest in anything that challenges them physically, because of their natural vigor and curiosity.
How do I control my anger?
Think for a second, what is the most valuable thing in this world? If you’ve come to a certain maturity, you will realize that there nothing more valuable in this world than time.